The Uniqueness of our Tuck Rug Selection

Individually curated by our team, every rug at Tuck Studio embodies a distinctive narrative and character. Here's what to anticipate:

Vintage Appeal: Our assortment features vintage rugs, each bearing its own unique characteristics that reflect its journey through time. These idiosyncrasies, such as subtle marks or intricate threads, are intrinsic to the rug's heritage, enriching its allure. Occasionally, you may even discover signs of restoration, further enhancing its individuality.

    24 products
    The Cathedral, 2' x 3'
    The City Market, 2' x 3'
    The Germain, 3'6" x 9'7"

    Meticulous Cleansing: Before shipment, each rug undergoes professional cleaning to ensure its freshness upon arrival.

    Authentic Representation: While we endeavor to capture our rugs accurately in photographs, please be aware that colors may appear subtly different based on lighting conditions. Be assured, each rug is carefully selected by our team, with Judith Mackin personally hand-selecting and inspecting each one in person for the showroom and our clients, ensuring its quality and authenticity.

    Sustainable Contribution: By selecting a vintage rug from Tuck Studio, you're not only elevating your decor but also participating in sustainability initiatives by extending the lifespan of these exquisite pieces. We sincerely appreciate your role in fostering positive change for our planet!